The Wednesday after Daniel's birthday we went to a really fun Kids' Craft Playdate... they made melted crayon bears, took marbles and made cool paintings out of them and so much more! It was super fun times with my D Man!
Thursday... I took Daniel to school then ran a few errands and was on my way home and I had my first car accident! Before you panic, this was a VERY MINOR accident and everyone was okay and the cars were hardly damaged... we are talking scratches! However, I was the one hit so I automatically assumed it was not my fault until I started giving the officer my story... I realized it was my fault and I emotionally fell apart because in that very moment, I realized that I could have been responsible for an injury to my baby or to the other sweet lady that I hit! I went home and realized that I have been doing WAY TOO MUCH in the past 4 months since I had Katelyn! I needed to slow down and start taking better care of myself so my babies have a healthy and alert mamma to take care of them! So, I got on the phone and hit my computer sending out e-mails to lots of "Mom" friends that have more kids than I do and whose kids are older than mine to get some advice! Some advice I got was to nap when my kids nap (honestly, I have only done this once!) and to get a blood test to have my iron levels tested (haven't done that one either!) but I took the other advice like... Since I am nursing AND working out, my body is not getting enough calories so I bought a good protein shake mix and I am have started taking it twice a day. Lastly, I committed to taking everything off my calendar that was not necessary for a couple of weeks just to get more in a routine, more rest, etc.
So, the damage from the accident is that I have accident forgiveness on my insurance because I have been with State Farm since I was 16 years old so my rates weren't affected... the cop was the nicest man EVER and he gave me a very minor ticket... so, I took this as a HUGE learning experience for me! I am SOOOOO greatful that no one was hurt! God's Angels were truly watching over us as this could have been a very bad accident!
Sew Quilty Quilt and NEW Fabric Line!
6 days ago
1 comment:
So glad you guys were all okay!
Man, wish I could clear my calendar! That would be so nice!
Get some rest!
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