Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cute Kids!

Sunday morning, Brendon and I looked at each other and said, "These kids are really cute!"

Don't mess with this girls' milk in the morning... she will take you out!

Monday... Daniel had his 4 year old well check up with Dr. Jones! He was due for 4 booster shots but we chose to get only 2 this time then he will get the other 2 at Katelyn's 18 month well check up. He is such a rockstar for shots... he gives a little "Ouch!" and that is it! It is so cute!
We ran into some friends at the doctor's office so we hung out in each other's exam rooms while we were waiting on our favorite pediatrician in the world!

After the Doctor, we went for a kids meal as a treat!

Then Paris came over to spend the hour with Daniel. This hour was spent on goal setting and problem solving.... one of his activities is that he had to tell her what he was going to build then he was given lots of things to build with like tape, glue, toilet paper rolls, boxes, qtips, clothes pin, pipe cleaners, Popsicle sticks, etc. It was really fun and I learned a LOT on specific questions to ask and activities that encourage goal setting and problem solving!
We LOVE Paris!


Meg said...

they are so cute, for sure!!! they look just like you!

Jill Carilli said...

Who is Paris??

Danielle, Brendon & Daniel said...

Meg... thanks!
Jill... Paris is our in-home educator. She spends 1 hour with each child weekly doing educational activities.