Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, Daniel!

Yes... that is right! My precious little boy turned 2! He is officially a toddler now... this birthday was so much harder on me than his 1st because last year, I still felt like I had a baby=) He couldn't walk yet and he was still nursing BUT this year he is Mr. Independent!
Anyway, more on b-day celebrations later... have to catch up on stuff before that=)

Well, this is a LONG post with TONS of grab a cup of joe and enjoy=)

Last Thursday after my last post, we went to a playdate at Daniel's LOVE obsession right now - her name is Libby and they have a very passionate LOVE/ HATE relationship. Pictures of the two of them later on=) Then in the afternoon, I took him to have his 2 year old pictures taken and they turned out really cute=)

Friday morning was his last swim lesson and then we went to my mom's house for a spa day for Sharon Roam's 70th Birthday! If I can be like her at 40, I will be a happy camper! I had uploaded a pic of Daniel enjoying a spa treatment but I don't know where it went=) Brendon picked him up half way through the party so he got to enjoy some pampering! Brendon had been gone all week at youth camp so that night we went on a date while Daniel spent the night at my parents house!

The next morning , he went to Asher's 2nd birthday party which was all about motorcycles. Basically, it was heaven on earth for Daniel=) He is totally obsessed with motorcycles! Unfortunately, my camera battery died and I have no pics=(

Tuesday night, we had our friends April and Jason and their 2 kids over for dinner.... now is where the pics begin=)

Wednesday morning, my car had to be serviced so Michella picked Daniel and I for a playdate at Jill"s house! The kids loved all being together in the back seat!

The next day we went to a playdate at the Toddler's McDonald's...

That afternoon, We went to Asher's house and got to play with all of his new toys that he got for his birthday... They had a blast!

Saturday morning was getting ready for Daniel's family/ church playgroup/neighbors celebration! He loved helping me make the cupcakes! He asks me all the time now for cupcakes!

All Done!

While I was icing the cupcakes, Daniel wanted some apple sauce... I looked over at him 5 minutes later and he had shampooed his hair with it! I didn't know if I should be upset or laugh so I did a little of both... and took a picture!

This was Daniel's shrine=) Actually, this was just special pictures and memories from the 2nd year of his life for his guest to enjoy!

The whole theme was Speed Racer Cars which my mom bought! Thanks, mom! It was adorable!

She even bought lots of fun toys for the pool... and the kids were already enjoying the slide!

The party favors - again, thanks to my mom! They were very cute!

Play area for the little ones!


Swimming, Pool Side Grilling, then cupcake time!

What he had waited for ALL day!

Present Time!

He had lots of help from his older friends!

PaPa and Daniel!

Thank you, Ma and PaPa for helping throw me a 2nd extravaganza!

My Auntie Leigh Anne and Uncle Aaron - Auntie did it again.... painted Daniel the cutest easel!

Daniel and Joya - the older woman in Daniel's life=) He loves hanging out with her!

Sunday afternoon, we went to Trey's 1st birthday which was Dr. Seuss themed! They had a Dr. Seuss character and since Daniel was recently tramatized by Chuck E. at Chuck E. Cheese, I didn't think this was going to go over very well... but Daniel actually warmed up to the idea of characters. He didn't want to be anywhere near him but he didn't start screaming and shaking like that last time so I think we are making progress=) Happy 1st Birthday, Trey!
So, Monday was Daniel's real birthday - we went to a Splash pad with some of our friends and ate watermelon in celebration of National Watermelon Month. That evening, my parents came over for dinner... we put Daniel to bed then played Apples to Apples! Love that game!
Tuesday, I took Daniel to the coolest toy store ever - it is called Brilliant Sky Toys and Books. On Tuesday from 10 - 12, they have a Mommy and Me Story Time/ Crafts/ Free Play. We met Asher and Kristy there and the boys had the best time ever playing with the most amazing toys - these are not toys you can find at Target or Toys R Us!
Then on Wednesday we had our play group over for another birthday celebration! This was such a fun time to celebrate with his friends who we have known since before he was 1! It is so cool seeing all these kids grow up together and becoming great friends!

Not sure how this happened... but thank God Dominick showed up because Daniel would have been the only boy! HAHA!

I wish I could have gotten more pictures but I was having too much fun and forgot to take pics!
Thursday, we met our church playgroup at the Toddler McDonald's again.... I have a great flat tire story from this day too but this will have to be another story... also, did I mention that I lost my cell phone this week. I am on my 3rd cell phone in 2 months!
Friday, we had our friends that we met at the Hospital Breastfeeding Support Group when they were born....aaaawwww! About 8 of us still stay in touch and all of their birthdays are within 8 weeks of each other!
They painted wooden race cars!

Kristy helped me keep Daniel's fingers out of the flame so that I could take the picture!




It was the end... they were, this is the best group shot I could get=) We wanted them all to wear their masks but that wasn't happening either!

Daniel and Libby - this is the relationship I was talking about in the beginning of the post!

Satuday night... we hung out with Daniel's favorite people.... PaPa, Ma, and Ollup! We grilled out and swam and I thought it was freezing - the temperature was below 100 degrees and their pool water was in the 80s - I literally had the chills! I am a total Arizonian!=)
Funny Story from Sunday... Daniel got to graduate from the baby nursery to the 2/3's class! He LOVED it! Anyway, I didn't realize that they don't get a diaper change in that class compared to the nursery where they do... so, after Church we go to Red, White and Brew with Sharenda and Logan.... Daniel is sitting on my lap and all of a sudden I feel this warm liquid just all over my lap! I realize Daniel has just peed all over me... for some reason, I just burst out laughing and Sharenda and I had the best laugh ever! I felt really bad because that is how full his diaper was... it just leaked everywhere! For some reason, I never carry extra clothes for Daniel because he hardly has accidents... but this time I had an extra pair of jeans. These jeans were actually Logan's that I had borrowed months and months before when Daniel had his LAST accident and I thought Brendon had given them back to Jason... I found them in his office this week and was mortified that we still had them because obviously, Logan doesn't fit them anymore. Regardless, I brought them to Heidi on Sunday and apologized and she said she totally forgot and to keep them. Who would have known I was going to need them AGAIN for Daniel's next accident so what is up with these jeans????
Today was Daniel's 2 year old well check up and he is in the 40th percentile for his weight (27 pounds) and 91st percentile for his height (36.25 inches) - he is officially 3 feet! The doctor said he is perfect! Daniel got a doctor kit for his birthday so we have been practicing for this appointment and he did amazing! The doctor commented several times on how well behaved he was! He said that if ever makes a movie about exams, Daniel will be the star! Then he had to get 1 shot... Daniel was soooo excited for the band-aid that he didn't even cry for the shot! The nurse was so happy - she said most kids do not like her! Daniel thought she was his hero!
That wraps up the news on this side!


Jessica Stoker said...

Happy birthday Daniel. Sorry we missed it. Looks like he really enjoyed the cupcakes.

The Parke Family said...

Happy Birthday Daniel!!! Looks like you guys had a great time! (Sorry we missed it :(

Matthew, Meghan, Madeline, & Marabelle said...

Why don't we leave closer?!?!?! :(

Jill Carilli said...

we had so much fun at the party and I am glad he has so many friends and so many parties to celebrate the big 2!!! XO