Friday, April 17, 2009


On Thursday, Daniel went to his 2nd Easter Egg hunt! Leah found this great new park and we loved it!

Daniel and Libby eating their loot!

Then we had a picnic potluck - the food was very yummy!

The boys playing in the sand!

Daniel's 3rd Easter Egg Hunt with the Hot Mommas Group!

Then on Saturday night some of my friends took me out for my birthday! We had so much fun and laughed the whole night away! This older lady came over to us and said you all must have been friends since high school... Kristi said, "No! We all met at a hospital breastfeeding support group!" The lady was NOT expecting that answer!

Then on Easter we had dinner at my parents house!

Last Easter was Daniel's 1st time swimming so my dad warmed up the spa so we could swim again for the first time this year!

This week we have had some fun playdates but I forgot my camera at all of them!


Jessica Stoker said...

Great pictures, and the argyle shirt is awesome! He looks like such a ladies man.

Jill Carilli said...

Happy Birthday!!!