Saturday, May 15, 2010

Katelyn's Room

Well, I have been wanting to put these pictures up for a while now but there are always a couple of more things left to do but if I don't do it now, then it could be who knows when?

Below is my favorite spot... my reading/ nursing/ relaxing spot! This lamp was one of the first things I saw and wanted for the nursery after I found out I was having a girl... it had my colors (light pink and green) and it had roses! It was a wonderful shower gift!

I made the shadow boxes that are hanging on the wall... I just need to put some photos in them=)

My grandma got me the sleeping angel picture... I love it!

I think the first thing I ever got for the room was this super cool organic canvas toy bag from my sister... when she and Christopher were here over Christmas, they found this at a swanky baby boutique in Scottsdale and it holds Katelyn over abundance of rattles and baby toys!

Leigh Anne gave the letters to me for her room... of course, she painted them and they are so cute!

I love this rocking chair.... above this, I have some cute wall art waiting to be hung so we took this pic from the bottom half angle=)

See the blank wall... now you know where the wall art is going=)

So, the green was from Daniel's nursery... we just painted the top half pink with glazed stripes which don't show up in the pics and the green curtains and part of the bedding was his as well.

Another project is what we are doing above her crib... it is going to be netting that will make it look like a princess crib=)

Again, the mobile was something that I saw that I had to have and it was a wonderful shower gift and the crib blanket was a handmade shower gift.

The diaper stacker was a handmade shower gift as well.

Thanks to friends... this is her 0-3 month wardrobe... just outfits! Onesies, sleepers, gowns, etc are in drawers! However, she has gone through clothes like crazy because she spits up a lot so we go through the outfits and if I didn't have this many clothes, then I would have to do laundry multiple times a day! LOL!

I LOVE her walk in closet... there are hooks on one side for her hats, tutus, bags, calendar, etc!

Her ultrasound pics, growth chart and bows hanging on one of the walls in her closet!