Saturday, May 15, 2010

Could use some ideas...

My sweet Katelyn loves her swing now... she is starting to notice her surroundings more and I love just staring at her as she just absorbs her new world!

I thought it was really funny as my friend Vicky gave me the swing above when I had Daniel and this past Sunday she gave me this cool Cars Chair for Daniel... so, she has hooked both of my kids up with chairs that they LOVE! Daniel is so cute as he takes his chair and pulls it up to Brendon and says, "Dad, let's talk." They will literally sit and talk for a good 15 - 20 minutes about EVERYTHING! It is the cutest thing ever... I asked him to "talk" to me and he says, "No" so I think they have a very special Father/ Son bond=)

The outfit was put together by Daniel... please notice the socks and shoes too! LOL!

So... I could use some ideas on how to keep a 2.5 year old entertained... 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week! He is a total social butterfly who doesn't necessarily like to play alone. He is incredibly smart so he has to be stimulated constantly or he gets bored quickly! I love playing with him but there are things that I have to get done in my day and he loves to help me with the daily chores but I am really struggling with keeping him entertained. He does start pre-school this Fall so hopefully that will help a little! I am very excited about our pre-school adventure we are going on... I will blog about it later so stay tuned=)

Right now, he is into imaginative play... so, we play in the "kitchen" a lot... cooking, shopping, eating, feeding babies, washing dishes, etc!

Tuesday morning, he was at Leigh Anne's house and she warned me that they had a fun morning and he was really tired... so, I brought him home to give him lunch and as I was nursing Katelyn, I looked over at him and this is what I saw!

Tuesday night, we had some teenagers over at our house and Daniel was in HEAVEN! I think all young kids LOVE teenagers and just look up to them and Daniel is no exception!

Wednesday, we had a park play date with some friends... Brayden and Daniel are racing motorcycles down the slides!

Thursday morning we went to the splash pad with some friends... the weather has been so amazing so it has been so refreshing being outside!

Friday night, I got to go on a much needed date with my husband... it was sooo nice to just connect for a whole night... sometimes, we look at each other and can't believe we are grown ups...we still feel like teenagers/ college students! We have known each other for so long that we basically have grown up together and we just look at each other and say... can you believe we are parents, own a house, pay bills... haha!

Tonight, we went to our neighbors house for a graduation party... I wouldn't say that our neighborhood is a close community but our next door neighbors and the neighbors that live across the street from us are all very close. I think quality is better than quantity anyway so we really appreciate them!

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