Monday, December 20, 2010

Zoo Trip

So... this was a really cool story... when Daniel was a newborn, I attended the Chandler New Mom Support Group and I met this lady named Katie and we hung out a few times together but she had to go back to work and we just lost contact... then we ran into each other at Buy Buy Baby when we were both pregnant with our second babies and we promised to e-mail each other to hang out again... well, her e-mail address didn't work and it didn't work out! Then we ran into each other again and this time we exchanged information and took our "baby cubs" to the zoo... it was as if we never took a break from seeing each other... we seriously talked the entire 2 or 3 hours we were there...I am so glad we have re-connected!

As most of you know... the weather here in December is like A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.! Well, the lion was loving it too... every time I have been to the zoo, he is just lying there... this day he was up and making really weird sounds... I was actually freaked out and so were the boys!

So, we went to feed the ducks... I know! You could do this at any local park so what the heck were we doing this at the zoo with all the exotic animals you could imagine... LOL! But... the boys loved it!

What did these silly boys want to do? PLAY IN THE DIRT! With their shoes and socks off! Well, they were happy and we got to chat!
The other really cool thing is that these two boys have very similar personalities... very sweet, not aggressive and it was like they were meant to be friends! At this stage with Daniel, there are some days where he plays interactively with his friends and other days where they still just play along side each other but not together. These two played interactively the whole morning so that was really cool!

Our Tribe! We looked at each other and said, "Oh My Gosh! We have double strollers now!" LOL! Okay... so, the story gets weirder... we are walking along and Katie stops this other mom with a double stroller and says to her, "I know you!" This other mom looks at me and says, "Danielle?" We all screamed because she was another mom in our original hospital group that we lost contact with as well... how weird is that we all re-united at the zoo with double strollers? LOL!

Fun Day at the zoo!

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