Saturday, January 15, 2011

Christmas Day 2010

I have been putting on doing this post from Christmas Day because there were just SO MANY pictures and I knew it would take me a while to upload them all... so here it goes=) I am actually going to post Christmas into a couple of posts - so this one will be Christmas morning!

Daniel woke up very early! We called my parents and Phillip and they came over then we Skyped my sister and Christopher so they could see the kids opening presents!

I don't really have a good shot of all the presents but let's just say that there were too many!

Daniel had only one request for Christmas... a race car track like the one he plays with when he goes over to Leigh Anne and Aaron's house! So, Brendon and I went to Toys R Us and Brendon picked out this huge Slot Car Race Track and I thought it was too mature for him and told Brendon we should wait to get it for him when he was older but Brendon insisted that he needed a "proper" race track! Honestly, I think that Brendon had selfish motives for this because the older guys had way too much fun with it on Christmas! I picked out a Fisher Price Shake N' Go Race Track that was for his age and after some discussion we got BOTH of them for Daniel! LOL! We covered them with sheets because we knew he was going to do downstairs before my parents got to our house and we wanted to make sure that they got to see him open ALL of his presents=)

If you follow my Blog or Daniel's life then you know he loves Fire Trucks... actually all trucks!

Guess who else likes the racetracks??? I always say from all outward appearances, Katelyn looks like the Pink Princess and the most girliest of girls but this girl knows how to rock any boy toy! She can get rough and dirty with a motorcycle or semi tractor trailer of Daniel's! LOL!

Daniel also has had an obsession with Garbage Trucks... and I have to say this is a super cool one!

... and a Tonka Rescue Helicopter!

Yes! We have the rule in our house that only one person gets to open one present at a time then it goes to the next person.... in case you don't know me very well... I am a BIG rule person and I love rules and I love making them and implementing them... LOL!

... but next year that rule might be flying out the door because FOUR HOURS of present opening is RIDICULOUS! We did stop to eat breakfast half way through presents because we were starving... it was hilarious! But when you have a 3 year old who is excited over every single present and wants you to completely take it out of the box and set it up and play with it before he will open the next gift AND an 8 month old who LOVES opening presents and ripping the wrapping paper then shredding it like a little rat... 4 hours later we felt like a cheerleading squad, "Come on Daniel and Katelyn, you can do it... only 3 presents left to open! Come on, let's finish this up!"

So, if you think I am a "Girly Girl" well my mom brings it to a whole other level! I grew up in a very "Girly" house and since my mom's youngest is a boy then came her grandson... it has been a while since she had a little girl to get excited over and you can tell in the pictures that she LOVES this purse I found for Katelyn that has her own "lipstick, compact mirror, keys, money, bracelet, etc!!!"

My dad holding up his iPhone so Amanda and Christopher are catching all of the details while they were spending Christmas with his side of the family.

Daniel opening up a wooden block set that I thought would be nice for them to share... my idea actually worked... they love playing with these blocks together!

My mom got Katelyn this baby doll that looks just like her... I can't wait for Katelyn to get into her baby dolls!!!!!!!!!!!

My mom got Katelyn and Daniel the cutest and softest matching Teddy Bears... I think my sister and I got matching holiday bears, etc every year for Christmas and I still have most of mine today that I bring out at Christmas time!


... and so does Katelyn!

... there is another doll in this picture! A collectible one!

These reindeer antler headband is sooo cute... K didn't think so! LOL!

P. Sharon got her this cute purple and pink soft play toy that we keep on her changing table so she can stay distracted with that so we can actually change her diaper=)

This was her, "I am very tired" face and so we put her down for a nap and finished presents without her=(

We got Daniel a whole bunch of games because he is totally into them right now and they teach so many things like playing by the rules, not cheating, taking turns and I thought they would encourage some great family bonding times, memories, etc... except I wasn't thinking that Katelyn would be crawling soon and would want anything that we were playing with!!! So, playing games with little pieces around her is 100% impossible! Our new plan is to play games as our special activity when she takes her morning nap.

A cool car that P. Sharon got him!

Another fun game!

View Master! Do you remember these from when you were little? I think I got this just for nostalgia sake! =)

He totally loves trucks that have "trailers" - I have no idea why but if the truck has a hitch with something attached then it is the coolest truck ever according to Daniel!

A completely selfish gift on my part... A trampoline! I make him jump on this for 30 minutes straight before nap time... LOL! Just kidding!


... and the ducks from the game wanted to go on a ride in the truck!

jumping, jumping, jumping... this trampoline plays all these cool songs and has funk beats to jump too plus it will count so it teaches numbers, etc.

Everything was all over the house but I tried to group together their stuff for pics

Christmas Part 2 coming in separate post!

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