I took Daniel on Wednesday to have his picture taken in his skunk costume but the below picture is of him in his dinosaur costume and I think he looks incredibly cute in it as well! When Daniel was younger, it was much easier to have his picture taken... this was the first time I have taken him to get his picture since he started walking and it was "fun" to say the least! Let's just say he was very curious and wanted to explore the entire portrait studio! HAHA!
We also had some out of town guests that arrived on Thursday and stayed with us through today.
On Friday night we had our couples life group then I had to wake up very early Saturday morning to attend Traffic School from 7:45AM - 1:00PM!!!!!!!!! uggghhh=( This is the first traffic school I have ever attended and it was tortuous! In Arizona, we have cameras at intersections and on the highways (pretty much everywhere!) and they caught me going through a red light. My options were to pay the ticket and get points on my license or I could go to traffic school and it would erase the ticket... What an awful way to spend a Saturday morning!
When I came home, we decided to take an afternoon hike before going to my parents house for dinner... this time I wanted to wear the baby backpack to see how I handled it. My pride would not let Brendon have it back when my back started hurting, so... this morning I woke up in some extreme back pain!
Daniel is waking up from his nap so I better wrap up this post... the above picture shows Daniel's new skill he is learning. Feeding himself!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last picture for today is Daniel's favorite activity and my least favorite - his sandbox! It means I have to bathe him after everytime he goes into the sandbox because he gets sooo dirty! I should get used to it as dirt goes with having a boy=)
I didn't know you had a blog!!! Congrats and welcome to this world - it can be quite addictive :)
Daniel is getting so big! I can't wait to see you guys soon :)
Love all the pics -- you guys have been busy!!! We'll work on knitting and you'll be cranking out a cute hat for D by Christmas! :) Oh and great pics at the Zoo!
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