Tuesday night, we had Chad and Andrea over to watch American Idol then on Wednesday night we had them over again to watch the results... unfortunately, it didn't TIVO so we only got to see the last 30 min=(
Wednesday, Kim and I took the toddlers to San Tan to play in the splash pad and Kendall's favorite is the puppy store - but Kim and I managed to get some personal shopping done as well! Kendall and Daniel did some big protesting though=) Do you have any ideas or suggestions on how to keep toddlers happy while shopping?
Thursday we went over to Sara and Audrey's house for a fun playdate - I wonder why I didn't take any pics this week?
Last night, we dropped Daniel off at my parents to spend the night and Brendon and I went out to dinner and to see Star Trek=) We are NOT Star Trek fans but this was a really good movie even if you have NEVER seen a Star Trek movie before!
We woke up this morning and met my parents at the gym at 8:30AM for the Body Pump class! I still love working out every day at Fitness Works!
Then we had a 80th Birthday Party to go to and they had the best food EVER catered in - Brendon and I have been talking about the food at that party all day long=) In fact, I am totally craving it RIGHT NOW - gosh! It was AMAZING!
Then we went to a graduation party...
Now... we are finally sitting down watching Australia on our new 60" TV we bought last night=) Hopefully, this week our entertainment center will be finished... we went over the final set of plans on Thursday night - yeah!
Happy Memorial Day!