On Tuesday, we hosted the CLC playgroup at our house and it is always nice to have friends over to play and chat with.
On Wednesday, Mimi, Daniel and I went to Toy Town http://www.aztoytown.com/ and met some of our friends there and this place is AWESOME!!! Like I said, we had some great photo moments this week and I missed them all! This is just a great play place full of great toys and areas where kids can use their imagination... Daniel's favorite toy was a baby doll and a bottle. He fed this baby about 40 times while we were there... it was so cute and I am so amazed he even knew what a bottle was let alone what to do with a bottle since he was never bottle fed.
On Thursday, we had our tumbling class and Daniel is really advancing in this class! He did side rolls all the way down the wedge by himself and he knows exactly what to do for a front roll - he tucks his head and chin down and goes over a huge barrel!
On Saturday, we went rollerblading with our friends The Webb's who have beautiful twins. We loaded the kiddos into jogging strollers and off we went to this great park they introduced us to - Hayden Park in Scottsdale. There is a 7 mile trail, disc golf, lakes, playground, etc and we had a nice picnic there and then just laid on a blanket with the babies and enjoyed the beautiful Arizona day!
Then that night we went over to some new friends of ours - the Santners for Mike's birthday. The Albee's also were there... I was able to meet these two guys through our business and we just became friends and all of us really enjoy hanging out. They are good for us as they are super night owls - like hanging out until 2 or 3AM and we haven't done that for a while! Even though Daniel spent the night at my parent's we were still home right before midnight=) HAHAHA!
Hopefully this next week, I will remember my camera=)
Hopefully this next week, I will remember my camera=)